The Baltimore Node is organizing power tool drag racing for Betascape. Power tool drag racing is all about taking ordinary electric power tools and turning them into drag racers. This year’s race will be held during Artscape/Betascape July 17th and 18th. We are looking for drag racers. Please contact […]
92 posts
Hip hop to the hack. I want all the Hackers in the house, if you void warranties, make your own tools, open things up just to see what is inside and then use the parts for new unintended uses MAKE SOME NOOOOOIIIIISE!
First things first, big shout out to O’Reilly User groups for so quickly sending us some books for our library. Our hookup is pretty awesome and the books came way quicker then I thought, what an amazing program. They sent us a copy of Make: Electronics, Hacking: The Next Generation, […]