First things first, big shout out to O’Reilly User groups for so quickly sending us some books for our library. Our hookup is pretty awesome and the books came way quicker then I thought, what an amazing program.
They sent us a copy of Make: Electronics, Hacking: The Next Generation, Head First Programming and Masterminds of Programming. The first is a great text for learning electronics theory and I hope to be diving into it over the next couple of months, perhaps other people would want to work through it with me? The second seems to be a collection of various hacking techniques, everything from cross-site scripting attacks to hacking mobile devices. The third seems like a good way to get right into programming if you don’t know anything (heads up, it’s a Python book). The last seems pretty thick but might be filled with useful tidbits, we’ll see.
If you’re interested feel free to use them in the space or borrow them but if you do, please be awesome about it (which is to say I don’t know how our library system works so whatever).

One last note about books. I had the pleasure of perusing Enoch Pratt’s collection of programming books and damn do they have a great collection. If you go into the tech section, up the stairs and hang a left look in the ‘QA’ section and you’ll see all sorts of books covering all your math and programming books.
The other big thing that showed up today was the parts bin and it’s already together thanks to Mehuman and Cooter. Now all we have to do is fill it (which shouldn’t be that hard). If you haven’t already please give your input on the parts store spreadsheet, hopefully we’ll be getting our first order placed soon.
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