The Pedal Hacking Workshop is Baltimore Node’s first event at our new space in The Load of Fun Building on 120 W. North Ave, Baltimore. Bring your guitar pedals and parts to work and learn in an open workshop environment. Baltimore Node is supplying the workspace, some basic tools, and […]
108 posts
September 05, 2009 : The Electronica Fest is going to be a brain bending mash of music, sound, and other unusual electronic fun. Come rep for Baltimore Node and get your bleep on. I uploaded the poster to the wiki and set up an information page for folks to affirm […]
As a hackerspace we’re lucky to have donations come in. Recently our first big lot of electronics came via Aaron and what a ginormus lot it was. Amongst the stepper motors, BASIC chips, odds and ends was a whole bunch of 16×1 and 16×4 LCD screens. By a whole bunch […]