On Saturday, the Baltimore Node members gathered at the new space located at 403 E. Oliver St. for the annual meeting to change the bylaws and elect new officers. Mark, our former president, read his notes carefully as he guided us through the process of revising the rules around voting […]
92 posts
Baltimore Hackerspace (formerly Hartford Hackerspace) has generously agreed to host our OpenHack this Thursday 11/29. We will be meeting at 7:30 at 6410 Landay Ave. Baltimore, MD 21237 http://baltimorehackerspace.com/
Baltimore’s newest hackerspace (and first biohackerspace) BUGSS has agreed to host our OpenHack this week! Come on out to check out their new space and to hack with the Node. We will be meeting at 7:30 in Suite 105, 101 North Haven Street, Baltimore, MD (The North is important if […]