The Node is moving up in the world. Our new space two floors up in the Load of Fun building is a whopping 1600 square feet. Thats a 240% increase on our current space. We are still in the processing of moving. Stop by tonight (Wednesday Dec 1.) to help […]
92 posts
The Node is moving! Tomorrow, 11/30, and Wednesday, 12/1, we’ll be moving from the 1st floor of the Load of Fun building to a much larger space on the 3rd floor. Please come by (5pm till late) and lend a hand as we transition to Phase III of the Node […]
Posting the materials from our “Intro to the Command Line” class. A slideshow: “Intro to the Command Line” And a document version (with fewer sweet graphics). If you couldn’t make it this time and would like to attend at some point in the future, contact me or post to the […]