Pre-PS Check out the meeting minutes. Tonight was another successful monthly meeting and I thought I’d share some of the news. First off, we can now welcome our newest member, Colin Freas. He’s now our third ‘Ginger’ and brings some pretty 1337 java/paintball skills. Heads up on an upcoming event!! […]
108 posts
With Megapolis right around the corner (next week!), we’re gearing up for a new and totally sweet–and by totally sweet I mean awesome–workshop. Justin is going to be leading two workshops during the Megapolis festival at the Node’s space (you can RSVP here) building the quite hackable Atari Punk Console […]
Makes blog post re-caping Mid-Atlantic Mini MakerFaire / RobotFest is full of local hackerspaces including Harford Hackerspace, Hack Pittsburgh and of course, Baltimore Node. Check it out Make’s post here: And Matt Metts flickr set here: