Baltimore Node is pleased to share some of the results of Co-Lab, where we open up to artists to share our resources and knowledge to help them realize technological aspects in their work. For our first collaboration we worked with aerostat pilot Lilly Stark White and Tilted Torch artist Miss Joule. Many hours later of soldering, debugging, and parts lent; ILLUMINOPOLIS is about to take the stage. One of Miss Joule’s outfits is based around a Rainbowduino and Lilly Stark White’s SparkFun order included Lillypads (no relation) and an accelerometer. I don’t want to say any more or it will give away the splendor of the show. A full write up will follow, but first:
Sat April 3, 8pm at Baltimore’s Creative Alliance.
The gorgeous girls of Tilted Torch, Miss Joule and Malibu, premiere their new series ILLUMINOPOLIS—a glorious melding of burlesque, circus and all things luminary. Glowing costumes and fiery props blaze with fire eating, aerial work, acrobatic hand balances, juggling (inside a bubble!), belly dancing, song, and fruitloopy comedy. Emceed by Shortstaxx with The World Famous Pop Tarts, Lily Stark White, Laura Ernst, Moira Lee, The Darwin Sisters, Amy LaPerle and your performing producers-—Miss Joule and Malibu!
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