I made a 50/50 mix of bleach and water, and put it into a spray bottle. I used Inkscape to convert the .svg of the node logo into a .dxf file by simply opening the svg and saving it as .dxf which imports easily into the LaserCut5.3 software. I cut […]
92 posts
Our special thanks go out to friend-of-the-Node Tom Riley for making us a beautiful hand-carved folding wooden sign with the Node logo. If you’re having trouble spotting the Node on OpenHack night, check for the sign–hopefully it’s out.
We’re through living like college freshman on mom’s old card table (and soon will be living like college juniors on something we cobbled together ourselves). Over the past couple weeks, we’ve built a pair of 6’x4′ farmhouse-style tables in the Node’s fully-functional woodshop. After we’re done sanding and finishing the […]